

保护所有信用卡信息是非常重要的. 保护信用卡信息对于确保合规至关重要 支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS)All departments that collect credit card payments must ensure all staff members adhere to these standards.

目前学校接受万事达卡、签证、发现、 & 美国运通的部门收费.

Before a department may accept credit card payment transactions for University-approved events, a 商家帐户 必须建立.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the PCI合规专员 at pci@mokmingsky.com.

一种总线标准培训 & 问题


TouchNet is the platform used for online storefronts which accept electronic payment on behalf of 最靠谱的网赌软件. Before a department may accept credit card payment transactions for University-approved events or services, a 商家帐户 必须建立. 启动此过程所需的表格如下所列. 请参阅我们的 TouchNet最佳实践指南 得到指导和帮助.

如欲了解更多有关TouchNet的资料,请联络我们的 PCI合规专员.


之前任何部门都可以接受信用卡支付交易, 必须建立商户账户. 为此,请提交一份完整的 ODU商户成立表格 at least 30 days prior to the desired date the department will begin accepting card payments.



在一个系被大学财务总监批准为商人之后, 然后部门必须提交一份 ODU商家ID请求表单 to identify specific banking and account information about the 商家帐户 so that an account number can be requested from the University's merchant services provider, 美国银行. 大学的政策和指导方针适用于所有商业部门.



所有需要在线uStore的商家部门都必须提交一份 TouchNet用户请求表 由财政办公室批准. 此表格必须由主管签署.

请注意: Departments must check the boxes below "Marketplace Roles" to agree to notify ITS and the 财务办公室 if the department is selling taxable items, 如果部门会发货的话, 或者请求是变更请求.

如果你代表ODU收取信用卡付款,你是 要求 每年完成PCI培训. 请联系ODU PCI合规专家/指定人员 pci@mokmingsky.com 支付卡培训.

最靠谱的网赌软件的 PCI合规专员 有问题吗?.

的 支付卡行业数据安全标准 was developed by the PCI Security Standards Council to enhance cardholder data security and provide baseline technical and operational requirements to protect account data. 它是由PCI安全标准委员会(PCI SSC)创建的。, 它由五大信用卡品牌组成(美国运通, 发现, 杰西博国际, 万事达卡, 和签证). 最靠谱的网赌软件致力于这些标准.

所有参与录取的大学员工, 处理, or reconciling of payment card transactions are 要求 to comply with all payment card security guidelines. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 PCI安全标准委员会website.

最靠谱的网赌软件的商家接受万事达卡, 签证, 美国运通, 和发现部门费用. 所有ODU员工接受, 处理, or reconciling online or in-person payment card payments from these major card companies must follow PCI合规性要求 as distributed by the 财务办公室 PCI合规专员所有员工必须填写 PCI安全和保密协议培训 处理信用卡资料前.

这些要求是具体的,每个商家部门可能会有所不同. Merchant departments must work with our PCI Complaince Specialist to determine their specific compliance responsibilities. All employees within each department responsible for accepting online or in-person payment card paymentsmust complete and submit any additional 要求 forms. 的 original forms are reviewed annually and must remain readily availabile within each merchant department.

请与 PCI合规专员 有问题吗? or to obtain a copy of PCI合规性要求 for your department.

  • 任何处理信用卡或信用卡的机构
  • 在销售点亲自处理支付卡数据的员工, 通过邮购, 电话订单, 或者通过电子商务website在线购买
  • All employee(s) who receive or transmit cardholder data physically on a paper form or electronically on an e-commerce site
  • 使用处理或存储持卡人数据的系统的员工
  • Employee(s) that use a device connected to other systems that process or store cardholder data

的 outcome of PCI non-compliance will severely impact the University and its Stakeholders. 该事件将产生以下结果:

  1. 如果发生违约,并且发现商家或ODU不合规, 单个信用卡品牌的罚款最高可达500美元,每次违约000美元.
  2. ODU将负责通知所有受害者. And the card brands may require the University to pay card replacement costs or reimburse all fraudulent purchases.
  3. 可能需要由pci认可的公司进行法医调查.
  4. 信用卡品牌可能要求ODU作为一级商家进行验证, 这会增加评估要求和成本. In addition, the monthly fee per department will vary on the volume of transactions per year.
  5. 的 card brands can also remove ODU's ability to accept and process cards or charge higher 处理 fees.
  6. 的 reputational damage and loss of trust from customers who may not want to do business with the University again due to lack of security will devastate our industry.

的 PCI DSS rules and regulations are mandatory for all merchants and employees with access to cardholder data. 因此, compliance at 最靠谱的网赌软件 is compulsory and must be administered and adhered to daily. 如果商家或员工违反了PCI DSS规则, 主计长办公室可以终止该部门的商户账户.


All merchant departments that have payment card terminals are 要求 to keep a current 访客日志 有了终端, which is used to maintain a physical audit trail of visitor activity to the facility where cardholder data is transmitted.


All merchant departments with payment card terminals are 要求 to protect these devices and to physically inspect them for tampering or device substitution with t他的状态.

三叶草的作用 & 指定的形式

All Merchants that have employees that require access to their department's Clover Flex terminal must submit t他的状态, which assists the PCI合规专员 in assigning individuals access to the department's Clover Flex. 此表格必须由主管签署.

在每个日历年的年底, PCI DSS requires the 财务办公室 to collect Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) from each merchant on campus. saq可在 CampusGuard website.

美国银行 and CampusGuard representatives notifies the 财务办公室 about SAQ specifics, 到期日期, 完成要求. 的 PCI合规专员 will be in touch with each merchant department with these specifics annually.

All cashiering transactions performed by University departments must be processed through the Cashiering 办公室 in the 财务办公室. Departments responsible for collecting money must adhere to all applicable state and University policies and procedures.

请浏览我们的 部门的存款 关于对账报告和收入存款的要求和详细信息.


红旗 is a transaction that a reasonable person should suspect that they may be interacting with an individual using someone else's identity. 学习如何保护自己和他人免受犯罪.


财务办公室为教职员工提供在线和人力支持 & 学生.